Thursday, February 02, 2006

[ humor alert ] That Wasn't Chicken

This is funny because a few years ago, I printed out a whole page of fake fortunes (about fifty) that I would swap out whenever I would go to a Chinese Restaurant with someone. While everyone was cracking open their cookie, I would nonchalantly get a fake one out of my wallet and make the switch under the table. No one ever noticed.

I had specific ones made for just about anyone that I thought I might ever have lunch with, and it was always good for a laugh.

Anyway, "That wasn't chicken" was one of the ones I printed out multiple times. And lo and behold, someone else thought of the same thing.

And now you know...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's funny, I always wanted to start a Misfortune Cookie company, and sell bags of actual fortune cookies with, uh, "nontraditional" fortunes inside them.